Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Twittering Thursdays Twitter Hop #5

Welcome to Twittering Thursdays Twitter Hop!

This week's Co-Host is Audrey from Wicked Wit of the West and Kristyn from Carolina Fireflies. Please stop by say hi and follow them back!

Are you interesting in Co-Hosting next Thursdays Twitter Hop?  Email Deandra at
There is no charge to participate!

Please help spread the news about this TWITTER HOP!
Its only appropriate to TWEET about it!


Please follow each hostess.

2. Leave a comment if you are new and want us to return the follow.
3. Grab the button and display it on your sidebar or link it to the post.
4. Have fun and meet new friends!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. HI there. I'm already a GFC follower but new to this Hop and would love y'all to follow back @edhmarketinggal on twitter. Thanks!

  2. New follower all around! :) Just added my link for the twitter hop!

  3. thanks for hosting! now following you on twitter :)

    Trish @ Tales from ...

  4. Following. linked up. adding your button to my sidebar! Thank you for hosting!

    Come on by and check out the Aloha Friday Blog Hop if you haven't yet! Aloha Friday Blog Hop {HERE}


